Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Star River

Supervising my ayi in the cleaning process while I work. Decided to steal some time to just jott down some thoughts.

Nice place 240sq-m in usable space : 3 bedrooms with 2 attached bathrooms, 1 study and 2 external bathrooms and 1 small ayi's room which i am using it more like a utility room. Very functional kitchen and dinning area. Cosy reading area by the balcony for evening reads and weekend lazing. Living room is spacious and already i've ideas to utilise the space. My only small complain are those chandeliers up in the ceiling, against the walls (miniature size) and everywhere...just far too many of them!!

The TVs and dryer will come in tomorrow. Probably will hop by again before i head on to the airport to pick up Josh's mom at 3pm. Just to oversee and ensure all is good. Well, landlord's secretary will be here anyhow to supervise. Yes! Shoe covers for delivery men is a must. My floor is already sparkling clean!

The apartment faces north so there is literally zero sun in the house. Given that now is approaching summer and the apartment is feeling chilly....we will all freeze during winter! Well, there is always the heating system, so all is good.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Saturday outing when Josh is still working in Cho-nan

740am : The plan was to sleep in a little today since it is a SATURDAY afterall but was pleasantly awakened by Nadine little squirm...she is such a lovable baby. Then again, not too bad, I've already an additional hour of rest as compared to a normal work day.

Decided to be adventurous to bring mom and nadine out for dim sum lunch and to do some light shopping. Josh's mom coming over to BJ this wed and I just wanna ensure there is still enough convenient food for her for breakfast at home....thought of getting some custard buns and wanton. She can make instant noodle wanton soup for brekkie. Reckon she will not get used to BJ idea of soya milk + dough fritters (the low quality & super oily type, not to mention the extremely 'dirty' packaging). My mom is good with just 2 slices of bread with butter and jammy but I reckon josh's mom is not gonna appreciate bread every morning. Well, she is still very much cantonese at heart...her idea of breakfast is congee, fried bee hoon, bah khuet teh and wanton noodles...all of these are NOT available in BEIJING! haha...

Well, nadine was really a good girl today. She did not fuss when we were keeping our fingers crossed in the restaurant. She almost burst into tears when we changed her soiled diapers...Nowadays, I literally 'rejoice' when she pooed. Met a colleague and she marvelled at how nadine resembles josh. Not a surprise comment anymore...hey can somebody tell me something new!!?! But I am not complaining....her daddy has handsome good looks so no reason for me to lament! Lunch was only rmb85 and we still have packed dim sum for tea. Good value for money! You can never get this in Singapore.

Wanted to go to Walmart to do some shopping but nadine is turning grouchy...time for her afternoon nap. Forget about shopping and we headed home. True enough, she knocked out immediately when we reached home. Such a darling.

Dinner was simple fish slice bee hoon soup. I found mackeral fish in san yuan li market!! Great for slice fish soup, fish head curry and most importantly OTAH!

Meeting my landlord tomorrow to do house handover...counting down to our shift to Star River. Our New home. Wanted to go gym today to workout but am really not in the mood. Still hovering around 53kg. The last 3 kg is so tough to shed, stubborn fats! But what's important is I could fit into ALL my jeans already so i don't exactly care that much but the number '53' just disturbs me tremendously. Silly scales, maybe it is not accurate?!?! Who am i trying to kid?! Better be more disciplined...will try to go tomorrow else on MONDAY.

Josh is working over this weekend in Cho-nan for production study. He has been gone for a week already. Should be back by 2May. Texted me this afternoon saying he might be able to come back a day earlier. God is good. Missed him so much...

Friday, April 25, 2008

Getting my act together : NADINE + work


I am back at work this week. To be exact, my first day at work was 23April and by God's grace, I'm already in my 3rd day of work. So far everything is fine. All arrangement has worked perfectly so far. Praise the LORD!

A typical WORK-day
630am : wake up to feed nadine (provided if she is already awake or is willing to wake up by that time...) before I shower, change, packed breakfast to work. Still gotta eat well and have a balanced diet since I am still breastfeeding. Else I'd have no qualms to go on a zero-carbo diet! Try to squeeze in some time to read the bible as I eat my breakfast (if I have the luxury of time to do so)

730am : I should have my makeup on, changed and ready to go in 15mins..

745am : Kiss nadine goodbye, give my mom some last minute instructions on milk rationing, ask her what she wants for lunch and conceptualise dinner plans!8am : out of the house, to reach office by 815am (That is if I am still at Central Park. Shifting on 3May so I'm counting down too....see how eventful is my LIFE! But God is amazingly good to me, as always!!)

820am : WORK = check emails, host teleconference calls, fire-fight, prepare my travel plans and try to work with my team-mates - that in itself is a whole journal if I want to start complaining (pinching myself and telling myself to be more christ-like - haha!), meetings and all

1130am : STOP everything i do..run down to grab lunch, quickly process what I would want to eat (low fat, low carbo) and what to get for mom

1140am : Driver comes for me. Thank God for driver huang...but he can be more alert at times...still, I am thankful for him. As compared to what other ISEs are getting, he is a God-sent. Well, at least he worked very well with Sun, Pst Tan and team so why should I be complaining!? hehe12noon : reach home!!!!

12-1255pm : Play with nadine, get updates on mom on her latest mischevious actions, asked if she has pooed (see, how that'll thrill me or worries me and sets me in prayer-mode if she doesn't...sigh, she cannot be like mommy...need prune juice! I come against that in the name of Christ!), feed her, express milk and swallow (literally) lunch in 15mins max1pm : run down and get into the car. Get me back to office by 115pm to get ready for conference call at

130pm130pm - 5pm : replicate what i do from 820am - 1130am, nothing unusual, just more intensified i guess

515pm : tell myself - ENOUGH! Time to go home. I reject OverTime in Jesus name!

530pm : Melts when I see nadine waiting for me at the courtyard or at the lobby reception with mom (THANK GOD for MOM!)until 615pm : plays and feed nadine until either she or myself gets tired...reluctantly put her to bed and I go take my shower

615-645pm : Go for quick gym if I am still not dead tired by then...almost occasional now

730pm : dinner

8pm : Nadine wakes up, so next feed!!

9pm : Change diaper, play a little more with her and then coax her to bed

930pm : Me-time! (hopefully...)10pm : Time to express milk

1030pm : GO TO BED

My life has changed and it will never be the same again. BUT! It is ALL for the better. I love my life, I live it to the fullest and I have all the reason to thank God constantly for just EVERYTHING. He is good.