Wednesday, December 27, 2006


We were fellow CG member in S12 (haha...way back in 1998!)
My best friend
My soul mate
My much rational, much intelligent, much BETTER half!
My dearest husband!

Four wonderful and happy years of marriage & many more to come!

Emily's SOT Graduation

Emily's Graduation!

I'm proud of you!

Saturday, December 23, 2006

Do not despise the days of humble beginning!

My second day learning golf today with Josh at Seletar Country Club and I must say that I am really not an athletic! He is definitely a much better player than me. Better ball sense & greater aptitude with sports. Attributing it back to days in ACS where he was trained to "bend his knees" (yeah, Jo will tell me that I should have persisted in tennis 7 yrs ago but nah....) and swing the ball but you know what i think? It is really his ability to coordinate himself through the many years of experience playing arcade games, nintendo, computer games, PS2 and now his favourite PSP! I am one person who can't "jump, run and shoot all at one go!" No surprises for the 5x required for me to pass my driving exams to get that precious license. Sorry no auto-car learning 10 yrs ago! Yes, well at least I am a confident manual car driver today & I can proudly profess to be a good driver! is here to stay & I am determined to get the strokes right. My back swing & Full front swing. I got my first pair of golf gloves yesterday as well! Must persist & ensure I master the game. Yeah, once again I am reminded never to forget the days of my humble beginning when i first started learning driving. If i can succeed in driving, I can suceed in golf. Nothing is impossible!

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Partially right vs Completely wrong

Lessons Learnt & thereby, ReVelATion unfold...

Person A says this "I rather not speak because if I keep quiet, at least nobody will know that I am ignorant but the moment I speak, my ignorance is exposed." Then I heard this from another somebody (Person B) who said : "I rather be partially right than completely wrong."

Most people choose to be Person A simply because it is more comfortable, convenient, being laid back is the acceptable norm & appeared to be less risky. What they fail to see is that in that comfortable & secured zone, you are almost 100% unlikely to progress further in life and more importantly, you are definitely prideful. No pain, no gain. Well, as I thought know what, it is more exciting to be Person B. Person B lives a colourful life. He tries more things, fails more times but also achieve greater heights. Most likely more humble than "A". You are open to new ideas, constructive corrections and you are not afraid to make mistakes & laugh at them when they happen from time to time. It is like exercising our faith. Without faith it is impossible to please God because God desires adventure with us, teaches & coaches us through lives ups & downs. He expects us to do the Free Fall on HIM because HE is sure to "catch" us. When we succeed, He is glorified but when we fail, God ensures that those experiences are not wasted either....Therefore a faith proclaiming, bible believing christian is a type B, person B or whatever you wish to term it.

Sometimes we drawback especially when it comes to issues where we are not the subject matter experts or the guru. Being asians, many times we have to be provoked and challenged to speak our mind and share our comments in a public forum. Does that explains why it is usually the australians and americans (in short caucasians) who are vocal and the asians (chinese especially) lay low just in case "mah lu". Our attitude needs to change. It really depends how we see ourselves in the mirror. Just as the greatest deception is self deception, Our greatest enemy is ourselves.

The bible tells, teaches, reminded, admonished us this everlasting principle :
1. Be quick to listen
Revelation : pay attention & be sharp in the mind and in the spirit

2. Be slow to speak
Revelation : THINK before you speak. Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. Your words reveal your character. I cannot elaborate enough on this...

3. Slow to wrath
Revelation : Even when you are found to be "not that right" or even wrong, don't "wrath" and be upset with others or even yourself. Part of learning involves making mistakes.

Once again, Our attitude needs to change. It really depends how we see ourselves in the mirror. Just as the greatest deception is self deception, Our greatest enemy is ourselves.

As I write, I am REMINDING myself.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Happy birthday to me

"More precious than silver, more costly than gold..." No riches on the earth compares with having a relationship with Jesus my King, my Lord, my best friend. This was (yes, literally "was" now that I am no longer a cgl) my favourite worship song during the years when I led cell groups. God never fail to show up tangibly everytime we sing this song with tears in our eyes. This seemed to be the special song for E154. This song touches God's heart deeply just as it touches our heart.

Strangely, I do feel a sense of loss recently. I missed being a cell leader, I miss leading worship and getting into the presence of God together with my members. I miss the late night counselling and early morning bible study appointments i used to have with shirley and lunch time appointments with jo, kat, lydia, tricia, cin and sharon. Boy, how I miss serving the Lord with my church family in city harvest. My heart leapt with excitement this morning when Pst Kong shared abt having 5 services during christmas in anticipation of 40,000 people congregating together this christmas. Deep within my spirit, I knew God will come through for us again. Well, truth is...He never let us down so this time is no exception.

As I reminsce the good old times, I know strongly in my spirit that the Lord speaks to me of His calling over my life. His calling over my life is irrevocable. I always enjoy worship, leading worship and being in worship. It is in worship where I feel totally at peace and engulfed in His love.

It was my birthday yesterday. I turned 32 and for the first time in years, I spent my birthday quietly with yes, no members. I felt completely satisfied because my best friend, husband and soulmate is by my side. Nobody takes the place of Joshua in my life. I love him with all my heart. Josh is the best gift God has given to me. Then, I realise...i missed my members. Just when I felt the "loss", all the birthday sms greetings came through on my mobile phone. One after another, I felt so blessed and so loved. I felt that it is God's way of reminding me of His unfailing & faithful love. Truly those years of sowing my life to serve Him has been reaped a harvest that remain. Just meditating on that warmed my heart.

What do I wish for this birthday? I made my wish. 3 things : (1) my grandfather to be healed of lung cancer (2) Josh to be able to see every single day of his life (3)....for me to know and for you to find out.

Never mind the number or the content of these birthday wishes because I know the Lord I love, serve and live for will be faithful.

Happy birthday Cindy.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Solution Provider

I was reminded : If I am not part of the solution, I am part of the problem.

Therefore, I must be a solution provider! In every problem, there are opportunities for me to once again demonstrate myself as the light & salt of the world. I refuse to complain, lament or even mope over the issues. Time to move on, get going & as I step out in faith (& lots of grace & wisdom from God), I know the Holy Spirit will be my partner. God never lead me this far to let me down. He is good. If there is no team spirit, I create one. If there is no unity, I be the first to stay united. If there is no synergy, I be the catalyst. I can make things happen.

Some people watch things happen
Some people wonder what happen
Some people make things happen....I want to be that somebody

I can make a difference.

I am happy again!

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Wisdom is knowing who is your Source

James 3: 13 " who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show by good conduct that his works are done in the meekness of wisdom"

Earthly wisdom is demonstrated by being devious, overbearing, domineering and most of all, self seeking..the bible tells us that this type of wisdom does not come from above but is earthly, sensual and demonic. For where envy and self seeking exist, confusion and every evil thing are there. But on the other hand, the wisdom that is from heaven is first PURE, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality and without hypocrisy...

So often, it is almost effortless for us to be filled with envy and become self centred in our lives. When we see others with a wonderful job, great family, pay raise ...basically enjoying better things and seemingly God has given them more at "our expense", the feeling of envy begin to rise. How true it is that true wisdom is first pure. God expects us (me, as I am writing this...i am reminding myself!) to seek for purity. Purity in intent, thoughts and actions. We may smile and rejoice on the outset but deep within our hearts, we can become envious or even bitter sometimes so subconsciously. I believe that is when God tells us repeatedly that we have to guard our heart which is the wellspring of life....out of it flows issues of life. Heavenly wisdom is one where we exercise gentleness, humility and grace through our actions and words as we represent Jesus. Are we too casual in saying that "Thank God for wisdom" when the resulting action of that "wisdom" fails to fulfil the biblical definition of heavenly wisdom as in Jas 13:17? Think about it....The next time we ask God for wisdom, the bible tells us HE will give it to us lavishly, check against these qualities and ask " Is my action which is performed out of the wisdom of Christ, is it done in purity, gentleness, grace and bear fruits that will remain?" Else, more likely it is just fulfilling your self seeking desire...which regretfully is not a result of Godly wisdom.

As you check your hearts, I am checking mine.....

This coming weekend is Arise & Build pledging weekend. Since weeks ago, I have began check my heart. The amount I am pledging is never derived out of my own wisdom (sheer calculation of income minus expenses and cost of living and some savings...). I don't want to give for the purpose of seeking anything else from God. I give because I want to bless the Lord. He knows my greatest and only desire so there is no need to give more $ just to "arm-twist" Him to release from heaven because i cannot manipulate the Lord anyway!

He gives and bless as He will and I just simply trust that He is indeed a God of More than enough. He has blessed me with more than what I could ever think or imagine all these years. There is no means to even compute the accumulated blessings the Lord has given me. It came in the form of a fulfilling marriage, favour, great family, wonderful friendships, success in career, material possessions, peace of mind, tranquility in my spirit and more importantly, the priviledged friendship i have with my Jesus. Much as it is not a bed of roses (there are great disappointments, sense of loss and uncertainty) but surely, God has been showing me that in the midst of being pricked by the thorns of life, I can always focus on the roses. Life is a matter of perspective and I choose to always (it is a conscious and hard effort honestly!) focus on those roses.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

approaching WinTEr

Temperature is decreasing gradually as time passes. It is about 10 degrees today. Could have been more bearable if not for the gusty wind.

Meeting Xuling for lunch today. She will be leaving for Hainan afterall.

Gosh! Joshua's parents and auntie could really shop! Glad that they are indeed enjoying themselves in this trip. What's in for them today? Summer palaace, Yiheyuan garden, Hongqiao pearl market for more shopping and time to dash into the dvd shops for more dvds! You cannot believe the dvd list! From cantonese serials to the latest movies .....then again, This is CHINA!

Sunday, October 15, 2006


Has been almost 6yrs since I last came to Taipei Taiwan. Touched down early today at 530pm and decided to go take a stroll at 士林夜市, the city famous night market where you can find anything and everything from food, fashion (With 80% woman fashion, it feels more like a "woman's market!), handphone accessories, winter gears, toys, ornaments, imitation products and LV & Prada are must haves'.

I've never seen that many people in my life. Everybody was walking on the road and clearly there was no distinction between vehicles on the road and pedestrians on the pavement. Everybody is walking everywhere....nobody seemed interested with the hectic traffic except for getting the best bargain from the flea market. Unbelievably, I bought 2 pairs of jeans at S$19 each and a belt for S$2.90. I must get the rest of the team to come visit this flea market in one of the next 3 days. Taxi ride was cheap at S$2.30 one-way. When it was almost dinner time, I was reminded of Ammiel's 香鸡排 and sizzling black pepper steak with macaroni and corn soup! I was determined to search it out & I found it hiden at the corner of another bustling street! At S$6.90, I get a set of the sizzling codfish (prefer fish to red meat) hotplate with soup, bread roll and lipton tea. Not bad for that price & it was yummy!

Got back to the hotel to clear some emails, called my parents & josh. Had a good msn chat with Egwin....he is one great guy! Any takers?? just kidding!

Gotta sleep....important meeting coming up tml & my day starts at 7AM. That means I gotta be up by 530AM. Yawn................

It will be a good week ahead!

Friday, October 06, 2006

Col 3 :12

"Therefore, as the elect of Christ, holy and beloved, PUT ON tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness, longsuffering;"

We are the chosen elect of Christ. The bible calls us the chosen generation. Because of our position and heritage in Christ, we are already holy & loved by God....Being connected with God in the spirit, we are already holy. The word of God tells us that we are declared to be righteous, holy. We cannot be more righteous, therefore the futility of our works. It is not by works that man is saved, but by the grace of God, so no man can boast. We are loved dearly by God, He calls us His beloved. Nevertheless, we have to consciously WEAR, PUT ON the character of this new person (spirit) in us. The reborn of our being. We have to wear and put on not just once but daily (crucifying of the flesh) tender mercies, kindness, humility, meekness and longsuffering. How mind boggling that statement can be. Why do I have to do that if I am already declared holy and beloved by my heavenly Father? Now I understand. We are tri-une, just as God is triune. Spirit, Soul & Body.

In the spirit, we are one with our Lord. We are accounted and declared as righteous. In the body, we are stewards of all that we have & receive. That includes our temperament and character. Our character is constantly being challenged by our Soul. The soul is soulish, it is carnal & constantly battling against the spirit. Therefore we have to make a conscious choice & decision to wear and put on Christ. Only in Christ, we are complete. Col2:10 "and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principalities and power."

"And I worship you Lord
My life in YOU restored
Here is my heart
Make it your sanctuary
For Nobdoy else but Jesus only you..."

Thursday, October 05, 2006

I thank God for my parents

Parents came to visit 2 wks ago and left just yesterday. Time seemed to just flew past.. has been 6 months since i moved over to Beijing. It seemed that at times I have began to adapt really well but at times I seemed to feel alienated.

Guess i just felt a sense of loss when they left. There was so much preparation, taking them shopping, sight seeing, going for meals and as usual, my mom will start cleaning up my house and adjusting the loose ends that she sees around the times i get upset when she gets too much into the nitty gritty details of housekeeping. I have to constantly remind her that she is here for her holiday and not here to do cleanups but well, she is my mother & I know her too well. When my parents left for Singapore at the airport, tears start streaming down my eyes. I realised how much I'd missed having my parents although I have them with me for full 13 days. Such realisation only dawn upon me when I saw them checking in at the airport. My parents had not had a good holiday together for ages and I am so happy just to be able to have them here in BJ the last 2 wks. We spent so much time together, fellowshipping, doing nothing on certain days, just lazing around but time never seemed to be enough when you are enjoying it. We should do more of this...spending quality time with my families and those whom i love.

Now the house seemed to be so empty and big once again....but it is ok, Josh's family is coming for a week in a fortnight's time....more to come!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


Feeling unusually tired the last 2 days. Just could not muster enough energy to focus recently. Bought a new mask product, maybe i should try it tonight while preparing my bible study materials for Friday cell group. I have all the things i want to share in ENGLISH up in my head but to articulate it in chinese in a way where it brings impartation - wow! that's a challenge. I will have to WILL myself to sit down tonight to get the notes drafted.

Yawnnnnnned! Boy! I'm tired at 1509hrs!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Sept5 marks the start of autumn in China.

Temperature is down at 20 degrees or even lower. Still bright & shinning so it is kinda Nice weather to just take a stroll & finally no more persistent air-con all over me. Time to breathe in some natural air (without the pollution pls). Didn't quite rest after being back from Qingdao. Started work early today at 730am, piles of airtickets to submit for claims & i really have no clue how to do the refunds for unused tickets & finance ain't helpful...i will figure it out somehow, as always!

Had a very good talk with MC, he was in a beautiful mood! I know my directions now...No 6-sigma, just me & my "methodology" and lots of God's GRACE & Wisdom!!

Waiting for conference call to start in 2 mins....

This is the Day that the Lord has made, I will REJOICE & be glad in it.

Friday, September 01, 2006

Fantastic Week at Qingdao! What a great week!!!

Flew into Qingdao on Sunday & it is Friday today…Tired but felt extremely fulfilled!

I'm flying back to Beijing tomorrow noon time. Has been a very fruitful trip. First ever China region CRM event which marks the new beginning! Nothing of this scale and magnitude and coverage have been done before here in China, such a breakthrough effort. Target was to have at least 3 dealers out of 6 sign up for deployment of sales funnel management in china region but guess how many we have now when we gave the project sheet for dates inputs? ALL 6!!! Unbelievable! God is indeed good. I just felt His presence, favour and strength upon the entire team. Despite the hardwork, there was so much synergy and we had so so much fun. Not to mention that food was forever in abundance! I never knew the complete significance of establishing brand awareness and consistent corporate image until this trip. The colour, usage of background, exact font size of the company logo….everything, there is a process, a methodology…so much details, emphasis and thought put to it.

My boss gave me a pleasant surprise on the opening of the event! He presented me with a bouquet of flowers to appreciate all the hardwork and initiative in putting this event together. Felt so appreciated & it is great working under someone who recognizes your effort, sacrifices and hardwork. And guess what, he took extra effort to find out my favourite flower! Boy! I was so blown away! His favourite catch phrase (being a CRM Manager) : Customer never care how much you know until they see how much you care. Sounds familiar? That is exactly what I learnt under the discipleship of the CHC leadership! Biblical principles of God remains relevant in any circumstance. How applicable that can be! Wow! The hotel management was amazed at how meticulous I went into the planning of this event. Well, once again…I learnt years ago, Details determines destiny. These are all coming back to me & I just felt so blessed & thankful to God in all these years of molding & discipleship. He surely has a bigger plan for my life! Indeed the molding & difficult times of discipleship are not pleasant at that moment of time but when it is put through endurance and time, good seeds will bear good fruits, fruits that will remain.

And guess what!? At the end of the event, another gift presentation by the event owner/sponsor! Wow!

Josh is preaching on sunday at the chinese church. Haha! he is so gang jiong to do it in mandarin. Gotta help him prepare sermon once we touch down beijing! what an adventure with the Lord!

Gotta run...Dinner with team starts at 630pm.


Sunday, August 27, 2006

TIC = This is China

Arrived in Qingdao on Sun 27Aug. Clean city, orderly & good traffic...can't believe i am still in china. Put down my bags (3 hand carry : laptop bag, handbag and mini projector) + 1 luggage checked in. Thank God I listened to Josh advice and checked in my luggage. There were hardly any elevators in the domestic airports...they believe wholeheartedly in walking! More walking and "transits" on the manual "sky train" that brings you from the checkin gate to the aircraft. Well, TIC = This is China. haha!

Shangri-la Hotel, 5-star but really in my definition : 4 star in terms of infrastructure & service. Shangri-la managed and run by local is a far cry in terms of service. My experience in working with them on this event ain't good. Lot's of coaching, guidance & yes, PATIENCE when dealing with them. Never assume and take things for granted. Josh always say "better confirm, be safe than sorry"...Never trust in vague information & poor description. Ya lah, "You think, I guess, who confirm?!" So better CONFIRM everything! Thank God for all the training and molding in having an excellent attitude, I developed an eye for details & I can be very meticulous! Almost very "cat" (keow - in hokkien), fussy in english! Guess I had it all trained in the inside of me being a CGL. The power of Pst Kong's strong, strict & hard discipleship! Even Shangri-la's management is asking me to join them as Events Manager - haha! Thanks but no thanks!!!

Went to checkout the dinearound restaurants in Qingdao for 31Aug. Went 8 restaurants in 4hrs, trying to negotiate and plan out the dinner menu with them. First thing to check in every restaurant : toilets! If toilets are clean, food is assured. Shortlisted 5 from the 8. Literally, blisters start to form on my tired feet....can't even bring myself to eat out. Dying to crawl back to the hotel, have a nice shower, plan on next day's event and order room service before catching up on my beauty sleep. Jo called when I was eating my shrimp dumplings & spring onion siao bing. I am almost authentic chinese now with the change in diet! Trying to lose some weight here...3-4 kg will be good!

Only Day1 and I am already exhausted....better go to sleep soon!

Friday, August 25, 2006

lightning speed required....

This week just flew pass! what a week! Haven't complete my presentation...must complete it by 430pm TODAY!

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Greater is He who is in me!

So much to do, so little time.... Gonna be brief today.

Dr Bernard is unbelievable! Watched all 3 services online. Amazing truths, fantastic revelation & Mind boggling truths. It seemed that I only got to know God a little bit more last week. I love the word of God. It is true, fresh & transforming....purpose in my heart to be devote more time to plough through the word. Has been meditating on Gen 3:5 and Gen3:8-11. ...

My prayer request (Thanks Lingkai for remembering me!)
1. Local church in Beijing
* Strong impartation of the word
* Relevant preaching of the word so that we can be fed spiritually
* Find a place to start serving actively in the local church
* Continue to yearn for the spiritual impartation and discipleship of CHC

2. My first CRM event coming up in Qingdao, 29Aug - 2Sept.
* The first CRM event for China Region in fact...My big break to present the loyalty program. 6 major dealers will be at the event. almost 70 pple, inclusive of district managers, reps & of course my bosses. Wisdom, understanding to prepare my materials. Clarity in thoughts & speech, ability to engage and facilitate discussion amongst 70pple. Audience are extremely seasoned CAT pple who are super familiar with cat machines, china market, engines & parts business....while I have no engine background, only 3 months in my job...I can list my inadequacies which I will not, but do Pray for confidence, faith, no intimidation. I was intimated when I thought abt the full works involved but I choose now to focus on Kristos kai Kosmos. I am planted here to bloom, to be God's light & salt. I can do it.
3. Breakthrough in my loyalty program project
4. Constant renewal of my mind and stay tuned with the move of God

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

On the road.....

I've survived the 2nd day of the 5 days....has been so much rescheduling of the trips to the dealerships. Now it is 4 cities in 4 days instead of 3 in 4 days! Unbelievable but His grace is always sufficient for me. Gonna to be my big break to talk to Lei Shing Hong this thursday. The largest dealership in china and the most influential. And boy, i am all alone to handle this mega giant & district manager will be there....Grace grace!!! I know I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Gotta get some sleep now. Flying hk to kunming tml at 1200hrs & Kunming to Shanghai at 2100hrs. Flying is now a big part of my life! Sweet dreams. God, bless me with a deep sound sleep & helps recuperate all the eye bags and saggy skin. My skin needs to drink! Gosh weather has been so HOT!

Friday, August 11, 2006


i was so blurrrrr....thought the series with Dr Bernard will be this weekend. Got all set with going home early, eating dinner at home & all that jazz just waiting to login to watch service online tonight and tomorrow...only to realise that it is the week of 18-20th Aug! Anyhow, it is good news, cos I will be off this sunday so if it is this weekend, i'd miss sunday's service. Blessing in disguise! Praise the Lord!

Had some work to clear & prepare to take off on Sunday to Taiwan, Hk and Kunming...3 cities in 4 days. Quite a bit of travelling to do. A little apprehensive since it is the first meeting with the chinese dealership & in my opinion, the prep work can be more thorough, still it is beyond me to determine how much prep work goes in. So i just have to ride with the flow & trust God. Gotta find a way to squeeze in the discussion of the loyalty program into the visit with the dealers' principals! God, give me wisdom to do that!!! All things are possible, I believe!!!

TGIF! Happy!! Excited!!! Better start my reading tonight. Has been procrastinating.

happy weekend folks!

Thursday, August 10, 2006

I love my nation

chanced upon the "History of Singapore" on discovery channel on sunday..a 3 part series. Never really knew the precise details of my nation. Unbelievable how much a nation so small & totally insignificant could transform itself given a short span of 40 years.

Interesting to watch those old black & white video clips with LKY talking about how he first got started, challenges faced & solutions that he put forth - mind boggling! amazed at how much wisdom, talent, creativity & productivity this man has in the inside of him...he literally built the nation from scratch. From nothingness to greatness. Causes me to think how much more talent & creativity God has originally gave to us ... each one of us to have that potential to expand on the inside & explode on the outside. Just by meditating on that excites me, boost my faith & make me so thankful to God & Him creating all things, including myself. All of a sudden, the sense of thankfulness that I am created, born in Singapore (I NEVER complain or despise my fact I am always very PRouD to be a Singaporean! I've no hesitation to say that I am from the Lion City whenever pple realise that I don't sound, talk, act, behave like a local chinese! Everything of me gave it away i think!) and all that I am and have. I am eternally grateful to my Lord

This is just part 1 for today...just into the writing mood today! stay tuned!

Saturday, August 05, 2006

JOY unspeakable

Nice Saturday morning in Beijing city. On the 37th Floor of my apartment, I was awakened this morning just feeling joyous!

Spent time with my Lord. I could feel His presence all over again and that is so wonderful & amazing. Countless days as i looked back, i thank God profusely for many things. Over and over again...Josh says I am a person that looks back all the time, i like reminiscing good old time for some reason. I am made this way and I like it this way. This is the day that the Lord has made & I will rejoice and be glad in it. As I read Joyce Meyer's book the joy of the Lord...i was immensely blessed. Thanks Gina for the book - eternally grateful ! It is the best book i've read in the last 2 yrs. So many truths, so many applications awaiting me to be a person of the word but boy! hard as it is really something I should do - TO have the joy of the Lord. Joy ain't a result of material possession & acquiring more. Joy is an inward attitude. Joy is an outward expression as a result of how the Lord has blessed, endowed & poured His love upon our lives & mine. It is so amazing just sitting here to thank Him for this priviledge that He has graciously given to me....Unbelievable!

Let me beloved & favourite husband....Favourite = 1. There is no 2 "favourites" & 2 "best". It is ridiculous when people go about claiming "This is my favourite & that too..." Anyhow, I love my husband with all my heart. He is my only 1 & he is the BEST! Wouldn't trade him for anything in the world. So i have A Favourite husband...anyhow, back to the illustration of Joy. Josh bought me my dream Tag Heuer watch yesterday ....unexpectedly. He is wonderful with surprises! He bought me this watch just minutes before us running into the movies for Superman. I thought it was just browsing but he bought it! He is one sweet man. I was blown away. Sure! I was happy to own a brand new dream watch but I am filled with JOY because I know God has blessed me. Not with this watch but with this man who loves me wholeheartedly & unconditionally in many many ways. That is Joy. That knowing, that connection, that amazing relationship which the Lord blessed me after 3 yrs of waiting, seeking, putting Him first and everything else aside tells me one thing - those who trust in the Lord will never be put to shame. Always.

The Joy of the Lord is my Strength. He is my Help in time of Need.

I love the Lord regardless the season of time. HE is faithful when I am faithless. His amazing love makes me speechless. I am awed by Him......all the time. It is a previledged relationship ...just me & my Lord. He is good.