Sunday, August 27, 2006

TIC = This is China

Arrived in Qingdao on Sun 27Aug. Clean city, orderly & good traffic...can't believe i am still in china. Put down my bags (3 hand carry : laptop bag, handbag and mini projector) + 1 luggage checked in. Thank God I listened to Josh advice and checked in my luggage. There were hardly any elevators in the domestic airports...they believe wholeheartedly in walking! More walking and "transits" on the manual "sky train" that brings you from the checkin gate to the aircraft. Well, TIC = This is China. haha!

Shangri-la Hotel, 5-star but really in my definition : 4 star in terms of infrastructure & service. Shangri-la managed and run by local is a far cry in terms of service. My experience in working with them on this event ain't good. Lot's of coaching, guidance & yes, PATIENCE when dealing with them. Never assume and take things for granted. Josh always say "better confirm, be safe than sorry"...Never trust in vague information & poor description. Ya lah, "You think, I guess, who confirm?!" So better CONFIRM everything! Thank God for all the training and molding in having an excellent attitude, I developed an eye for details & I can be very meticulous! Almost very "cat" (keow - in hokkien), fussy in english! Guess I had it all trained in the inside of me being a CGL. The power of Pst Kong's strong, strict & hard discipleship! Even Shangri-la's management is asking me to join them as Events Manager - haha! Thanks but no thanks!!!

Went to checkout the dinearound restaurants in Qingdao for 31Aug. Went 8 restaurants in 4hrs, trying to negotiate and plan out the dinner menu with them. First thing to check in every restaurant : toilets! If toilets are clean, food is assured. Shortlisted 5 from the 8. Literally, blisters start to form on my tired feet....can't even bring myself to eat out. Dying to crawl back to the hotel, have a nice shower, plan on next day's event and order room service before catching up on my beauty sleep. Jo called when I was eating my shrimp dumplings & spring onion siao bing. I am almost authentic chinese now with the change in diet! Trying to lose some weight here...3-4 kg will be good!

Only Day1 and I am already exhausted....better go to sleep soon!

1 comment:

ling kai said...

With your great attitude in life, you will more than survive in every situation... we are supporting you from behind... and NOT too far behind! haha...
