Friday, August 11, 2006


i was so blurrrrr....thought the series with Dr Bernard will be this weekend. Got all set with going home early, eating dinner at home & all that jazz just waiting to login to watch service online tonight and tomorrow...only to realise that it is the week of 18-20th Aug! Anyhow, it is good news, cos I will be off this sunday so if it is this weekend, i'd miss sunday's service. Blessing in disguise! Praise the Lord!

Had some work to clear & prepare to take off on Sunday to Taiwan, Hk and Kunming...3 cities in 4 days. Quite a bit of travelling to do. A little apprehensive since it is the first meeting with the chinese dealership & in my opinion, the prep work can be more thorough, still it is beyond me to determine how much prep work goes in. So i just have to ride with the flow & trust God. Gotta find a way to squeeze in the discussion of the loyalty program into the visit with the dealers' principals! God, give me wisdom to do that!!! All things are possible, I believe!!!

TGIF! Happy!! Excited!!! Better start my reading tonight. Has been procrastinating.

happy weekend folks!


jelly pink pig said...

Ah! Cindy! Aiyo...i like you you!

Gosh, we miss you here. Hope to see you soon. Take care since you have to travel so much.

Drop us a line when you are going to be we can all catch up over lunch!

Checking out!

Carolbabym said...

Hi woman! Wendy forwarded me your blog...nice to know that you are happy and doing well!

Keep in touch! luv, ur old time friend and blog idiot - Siew Ming